To keep the window from closing, click here. To close the window without saving any changes you made, click here. To save your work before closing, click here. Name your new layout by typing into this box. To throw away the layout without saving it, click here. To save the new layout under the name shown in the box, click here. Not available because you can't call a layout "Untitled Layout." To save the new layout under the name shown in the box, click here. To keep the alternate spelling applying to the old term instead of the new, click here. To make the alternate spelling apply to the new term instead of the old, click here. To back out of opening this file, click here. To do the work necessary to open this file, click here. Type the new name into here. To change your mind and close this window without doing anything, click here. Clicking here closes the dialog and accepts the name when you are finished typing. Not available because there's no typing there! To accept the name when you are finished typing and close the dialog, click here. To move the meal list left or right within the window, use this scroll bar. This is a list of Meals, groups of recipes for making a meal, that are stored in this Recipe File. Click to select and/or drag re-arrange the meals. You can also drag recipes within and between the meals. To move the recipe list left or right within the window, use this scroll bar. This is a list of the recipes that are stored in this file. Some recipes, marked with '*', may actually be stored in other files. You can click to select and/or drag recipes in this list, or double-click a title to open the recipe onto the Recipe Card. This is where the selected file can be found on your disk. To get another file for the list by selecting it from a dialog, click here. Clicking here removes any selected files from the list. Not available because there are no files selected. To remove the selected files from the list, click here. This is a list of Recipe Files. To close this window without saving anything you did here, click here. To save your selection and close this window, click here. This column shows recipe titles and meal titles. This column shows you how the recipes are now being scaled. You can change that setting by clicking the Set Scale button. To send recipes to the Shopping List, click here. Click here to create a new meal. Not available because the recipes for the meal must be selected first. To create a new meal, click here. Clicking here allows you to change the scaling on selected recipes. Not available because no recipes are selected. To change the scaling on the selected recipes, click here. Clicking here lets you modify the title of a meal. Not available because no meal is selected. To modify the title of the selected meal, click here. This list shows the contents of the Recipe Clipboard, recipes you've stashed away before by clicking the "paper clip" button. Click to select and/or drag recipes around in this list, or hit the Delete key to remove selected recipes and/or meals. To create a new recipe, click here. Clicking here opens the previous recipe from the window behind this one. Not available because this is the first recipe in the list, or because the other window has no recipe list. To open the previous recipe from the window behind this one, click here. Clicking here opens the next recipe from the window behind this one. Not available because this is the last recipe in the list, or because the other window has no recipe list. To open the next recipe from the window behind this one, click here. This is the name of the current layout. To select another layout, click here and select from the resulting pop-up menu. To move the recipe right or left within the window, use this scroll bar. To move the recipe up or down within the window, use this scroll bar. This area shows you the recipe arranged with the current layout. This area shows a brief description of one selected recipe. Clicking here opens a selected recipe onto the Recipe Card. Not available because a recipe must be selected in the list above. To open the selected recipe onto the Recipe Card, click here. This is the set of dividers shown at the top of this window and used to organize the recipes in the Recipe Browser. To select a different set of dividers, modify this set, or eliminate the dividers entirely, use this pop-up menu. To select a set of recipe files whose recipes are listed below, click here.